The Best Sustainable Packaging Trends to Try today

Sustainability is in, and for a lot of companies, this is becoming the new norm.  But what are the top sustainable packaging trends that are interesting to people, and something to consider? Here is what we currently know.

Minimalism is In 

This is basically where you don’t use a bunch of excess products. Right now, with the current focus being on how the materials that are there will impact the environment, a lot of people are starting to steer away from using too much and working towards minimalism. Minimalism reduces the clutter, simplifies different features, and offers a crystal-clear brand story, and it’s one that’s very simple to do.

From one font type to even just an easy, bold color, this type of design is great because consumers can see this without feeling overwhelmed or feeling a bit confused by the designs. It’s also good for those who want more customer engagement, as it offers less distractions to the different designs that are there. Product packaging is something that’s important, and with a simplistic design, it actually stands out a whole lot better than the ones that are very out there and in people’s faces. It’s simple, tells people what it’s all about, and it does different in a world of overwhelming packaging that’s becoming almost commonplace these days. 

Recycle it 

Recycling is one of the oldest types of ways to improve our world, and it’s simple, consumers like it, and people will actually do this.  It’s good as well for helping you get the most that you can out of it, and you’ll be able to add this to packaging to make it unique and interesting for people too.

Plastics have started to increase in usage, and a lot of companies are looking towards utilizing biomaterials that are starch-based, as they’re good for product protection, stop breakage due to the durability of this, and they also last a whole lot longer too.

Another thing that’s started to phase out is packing peanuts and other plastic insides. They usually are bad for the environment, and they don’t get recycled. But, with the biodegradable options, this of course, lets you get the best type of packaging that’s out there and improves your own health and wellness, making it even better for you too. 

Compostable Packaging 

This is another type of packaging that’s biodegradable, and it’s good for you to try out.  It’s also something that can save you a ton of money.

Biodegradable packaging is vital for a lot of packaging because you don’t have to have it, and it won't’ end up inside a landfill.

The cool thing about this too, is that it’s useful, because people can use this in their gardens, and also grow bigger, better plants.

Another sector of this is biodegradable plastics, where they start to also degrade within the ground, offering a high quality, simple standard for you to provide the ultimate way for you to improve the environment, one product at a time. 

Flexible Packaging 

Finally, there is flexible packaging. While it isn’t new, it’s something that’s being used a whole lot more to offer packaging versatility, and it’s popular because it’s affordable, but very efficient for certain things. From beverages to food to even beauty products, these types of packaging are great because they offer a unique versatility that people want.

The cool thing about this, is that you can design the packaging to fit this, and you’ll be able to offer a fun packaging experience that people will love and offer you the best options possible too. 

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