Many people talk about packaging design pillars. Most people in the packaging industry think that they have covered all these pillars quite nicely. But the fact of the matter is that many of them overlook the most necessary elements. Sometimes, all it takes to end up with an unimpressive design is to take your eye off the ball during the designing process. In this article, we will discuss some fundamental practices that companies must adhere to during the packaging development procedure.
Shape and dimension of the box
A regular shape of the product packaging will make it more prominent on the shelf. It will necessitate working on the packaging dimensions. For this purpose, make sure to measure the product precisely and then use those measurements to create the box of the perfect shape and size. Remember, the shape and size of the product should denote the size or number of goodies packed inside. Using a larger box than the product inside will affect the user experience badly.
The right model
Before designing, you have to make sure to choose the right box model. It will largely depend on the type of product to pack. You will also have to consider the way the box must be filled. For instance, you may want to use tuck-end boxes if you are going to pack very small quantities. On the other hand, you may have to use boxes with automatic bottoms if you want to pack large quantities. These bottoms close more quickly. If you are dealing with higher productions, you may want to move one step ahead by gluing the flaps.
The functionality of the product packaging is one of the most essential requirements. To work in this dimension, you will have to ask yourself a few questions.
- Who will be filling up these boxes? The purpose is to speed up the boxing phase.
- Who will be the one storing these boxes? You may have to see how these boxes can be stacked.
- Who will be using these boxes? The most crucial elements to consider here are recyclability and sustainability.
Answering these questions will undoubtedly help you instill the required functionality into your packaging boxes.
Sustainability has become a necessity in the modern era where consumerism is prevailing. With production levels increasing day-by-day, not paying attention to reducing or putting a rein on packaging wastes can have devastating consequences. The good thing is that both consumers and brands have started focusing on packaging sustainability. That is why using sustainable packaging solutions is one of the most important requirements in the modern world. For this purpose, you can stick to using old-fashioned cardboard boxes because they have been most sustainable. To make your packaging solution even more eco-friendly, you can use digital printing that uses compostable inks.
Design and finishes
Designing and finishing belong to the last phase of the packaging development. After you have worked on every other factor mentioned above, now you have to pay attention to how to make your packaging design more attractive and appealing. There are endless color options to choose from and a lot of patterns to consider. You have to make sure that you are picking the one that represents your brand in the best way possible.